Monday, February 11, 2008

Homosexual Levi's Commercial = 1 point for societal change

Firstly, I would like to thank Levi's for having some balls but making AND airing this commercial.  I think it's a sign that society is starting to be ready and more accepting of a world in which a homosexual lifestyle is more than just tolerated, but integrated as well into the rest of typical culture as well.  

This commercial doesn't necessarily depict a homosexual relationship, but it most definitely suggests one, and I think that itself is progress.  It shows that we, collectively as a culture, is beginning to be more open to meeting and greeting people as people and not immediately classifying a person into a category the instant we meet them.  I don't mean to assume that every single straight person is discriminate against non-straight people, however the 'typical' person has some sort of stigmatism towards a relationship other than male-female.

All in all, I believe this metamorphosis of the original commercial is for lack of a better vocabulary, awesome.  Hooray for societal revolution!

1 comment:

amanda said...

I agree that this is a move in the right direction. In class, however, I will probably use it to show how the article is not about sexuality UNTIL it's about homosexuality -- as if heterosexuality isn't a sexuality (kind of like how men don't have a gender). Thanks for bringing this to my attention!