Friday, February 29, 2008

Cont. Chat Room Assignment

I'm attempting to not completely give up on this blog, and so I downloaded (ughhh) Yahoo chat and joined a music chat room, Rock Lobby 1.  And so to showcase the point I made earlier, the following insert is a sample of the chat taking place.

Hopefully this insert works, I'm not sure if it will or not.  But chat itself, which I assumed or hoped would be revolving around rock music, is instead a bunch of comments about Chuck Norris and questions of availability, I don't really understand how legitimate, coherent conversations can take place in this sort of environment. 

Again, if I'm getting this all wrong and just can't find a suitable chat room, let me know because I really do find this assignment intriguing, however it is finding the appropriate context that's turning me off from this task. 

The chat insert is not working right, and I can't find a way to attach it, so I am going to just e-mail you the chat!


amanda said...

sorry this was so frustrating for you! I do wish that wasn't the case, and that the chat rooms weren't so creepy, because it certainly has the potential to be a good assignment...

I couldn't tell which screen name was yours in the chat? Or were you not chatting?

We'll talk about this assignment in class, so hopefully you'll benefit from hearing other people's stories. Sorry you had such a frustrating experience!

Katherine said...

I put about one or two comments on there, but I'm not sure if they got onto the copied portion.