Friday, March 7, 2008

9th Blog

I've actually thought a lot about the notion of choice in one's sexuality.  I have an extremely born-again Christian family that does not necessarily grasp concept of Darwinism and instead place their faith in the divine creation.  As a result of this, they also do not believe in a 'gay gene' so to speak of, and believe that homosexuality is a choice, and thus can be prevented.  Growing up half a country apart from the majority of my family I wasn't influenced in their beliefs, and thus have been able to make up my own mind about this matter.  

I believe that one's sexuality is not a choice, but it's biological.  Not nurture, but nature.  There are too many cases that show that simply trying to suppress an attraction to the sam sex is useless and usually only results in a bad ending.  I think that who you are attracted to is only socially constructed in the type of person; for example physical attributed and personality types, but the sex of the person in question cannot be personally chosen.  In addition to this I believe that people can also be attracted to both sexes, and it doesn't have to be secluded to just one specific sex.  

Society can and does influence a lot people behave and their beliefs, and I think that the normative heterosexual relationship is most definitely influenced and is portrayed to be what people should abide to, but just because people put on a show doesn't change who they are truly attracted to.

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